Our Approach to Sustainability

At Occidental Trading, we understand the importance of sustainable practices in today's global marketplace. Our operations, spanning across various sectors and regions, present unique challenges and opportunities in the realm of sustainability. With a forward-looking approach, we have developed our Sustainability Strategy Framework, grounded on three foundational pillars: Supplier Sustainability, Logistics Sustainability, and Product Sustainability.

This framework is a testament to our commitment to responsible business practices. It provides a structured approach to address environmental, social, and economic considerations in our operations. We invite our stakeholders to explore our strategy, reflecting our dedication to sustainable growth and long-term value creation.

1. Supplier Sustainability: Aligning with UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

Objective: Ensure that every supplier demonstrates a solid commitment to sustainability through a well-defined CSR strategy that aligns with the UN SDGs.

Key Points:

  • Supplier Assessment: All potential suppliers undergo a thorough assessment based on a suite of criteria. These criteria include their environmental policy, presence of an environmental management system, efforts towards CO2 emissions reduction, waste management practices, resource consumption measures, and their CSR initiatives against the UN SDGs. Moreover, we also evaluate their social responsibility policy, commitment to the elimination of child labor, community development initiatives, adherence to children's rights, and overarching corporate principles. Suppliers demonstrating robust alignment and practices across these dimensions will be prioritized.
  • Continuous Monitoring: CSR and environmental reports from our suppliers will be reviewed periodically to independently verify their claims and ensure ongoing alignment with our standards.
  • Supplier Collaboration: Workshops and seminars will be held to facilitate the exchange of best sustainability practices among suppliers.
  • Performance Metrics: We establish KPIs related to the above criteria and UN SDGs to measure and evaluate supplier performance.

Relevant Information: The UN SDGs offer a universal framework to address various sustainability challenges, making them a reliable reference for CSR initiatives.

2. Logistics Sustainability: Carbon Offsetting Commitment

Objective: All our Logistics Service Providers (LSPs) should actively participate in carbon offsetting mechanisms to minimize our carbon footprint.

Key Points:

  • LSP Evaluation: LSPs are evaluated based on a comprehensive set of sustainability practices. Carbon offset strategies, while important, form one of several factors considered during our partnership decisions.
  • Carbon Offset Verification: Offset certificates from LSPs are reviewed regularly to ensure accuracy and commitment.
  • Innovation and Collaboration: LSPs are encouraged to explore and implement innovative solutions to further reduce carbon emissions.

Relevant Information: Carbon offsetting helps in balancing out the emissions we cannot avoid by investing in projects that reduce or remove greenhouse gas emissions elsewhere.

3. Product Sustainability: Eggs as a Sustainable and Affordable Protein Source

Objective: Emphasize the environmental, economic, and nutritional benefits of eggs and egg products.

Key Points:

  • Water Efficiency: Eggs are water-efficient. They require less than 25% of the water per gram of protein than nuts, and a remarkable 90% less water than beef for the same protein content.
  • Reduced Environmental Footprint: Over the last 60 years, the environmental impact of producing a kilogram of eggs in the US has decreased by 65%.
  • Price Stability: Eggs remain one of the least volatile protein sources in terms of price fluctuations throughout a season.

Relevant Information:

  • A shift towards water-efficient protein sources like eggs can significantly reduce water consumption related to food production.
  • Continuous improvements in production techniques, feed efficiency, and waste management have substantially lowered the environmental footprint of egg production in the US over the past six decades.
  • The stability in egg prices ensures that consumers have access to an affordable source of high-quality protein throughout the year, regardless of seasonal changes.


At Occidental Trading, our commitment to sustainability is evident in every facet of our operations. Through meticulous supplier selection, environmentally responsible logistics, and emphasizing the sustainable attributes of our products, we aim to contribute positively to the planet and its people. We invite our customers and stakeholders to join us in this green journey.

In case of any questions, don't hesitate to reach out to mail@oxidental.com.

[1] World Resource Institute (WRI)

[2] Australian Eggs

[3] Poultry Science

[4] Egg Farmers of Canada

[5] Water Footprint

[6] Nature

[7] FAO

[8] Food Policy

[9] International Egg Commission